Get all basic details on the dashboard itself
Email Credits in your account
Total Emails in the queue
No. of Emails opened till date
Total Emails sent till date
We want you to design your first campaign in seconds. With our powerful editor, you can:
Upload an image to a template
Increase/Decrease Font size
Add links to the text
Test if your campaign looks appealing before actually send it
Know the chances of going your email into spam
It is always important to keep your list up-to-date. With our list management tools you can:
Upload entire list in csv with one click
Maintain group-wise list
Delete a contact
Delete entire group
Update a contact
From designing to delivery of campaign, everything is in your control. At openmailers, you can:
Send emails with one click
Check delivery status of your campaign
Modify a running campaign
Redeliver a campaign to get more responses